The next Strings and Things podcast will come at you LIVE from Leeds…well, sort of.
Briton Anthony Mullin, dynamic guitarist for the hard rock band The Blackfires will be here to discuss the finer points of re-stringing his Gibson Custom Joe Perry Les Paul. We’ll ask him about the songs and albums that first inspired his call to musicianship, and he’ll make amends for a youthful outburst.
Join us for the next episode of Strings and Things, the show where players come by to change their strings, talk about things and play some music. Strings and Things is a Peppergreen Production for Headstepper Media.
On this episode of Strings and Things, we have the prolific composer/guitarist Nick Didkovsky, founder of the rock ensemble Doctor Nerve, and an agent of destruction in the grindcore outfit Vomit Fist.
While changing the strings on his B.C. Rich Stealth guitar, he tells our host, Patrick Grant, how he uses the programming language HMSL to compose music, and explains the virtues of his single humbucker pickup. Then Nick and Patrick plug into some Vox Amps for an electrifying duet.
Listen to an extended version of “Episode 4 Petromyzontiformes”, the piece featured at the end of the episode:
BONUS! Listen to Nick’s brief demo of the Stealth guitar:
Nick also plays with the Fred Frith Guitar Quartet and composed music for the Bang On A Can All-Stars, Meridian Arts Ensemble, ETHEL, and others. He’s a co-founder of the $100 Guitar Project with Chuck O’Meara. Find out more about Nick and his many musical projects at
On the next Strings and Things podcast, guitarist, composer, and programmer Nick Didkovsky drops by to work on his B.C. Rich Stealth guitar, and explains the virtues of its single humbucker pickup. He ponders the mysteries of humankind’s ability to constantly throw common sense out the window, and then amps up for a duet with our host, Patrick Grant.
This is Strings and Things, the show where musicians come by to change their strings and talk about all kinds of things. When the turning and tuning are done, the new strings are shown no mercy in a special performance with our guest.
On this edition of Strings and Things, the versatile electric guitarist Matt Grossman works on an iGuitar and host Patrick Grant attends to a Les Paul Standard.
As an in-demand soloist in New York City, Matt describes how he finds his role in different kinds of ensembles, from jazz and R&B, to folk and rock. He relates the story of a particularly alarming performance, and then amps up for a funky duet with Patrick.
Matt has also been teaching music for many years, to all age levels and all kinds of styles. You can find out more about him at
Coming up on Strings and Things, the versatile lead guitarist Matt Grossman will be here to restring his iGuitar, and he’ll discuss the demands of switching genres in his work as a busy soloist in New York City.
This is Strings and Things, the show where musicians come by to change their strings and talk about about all kinds of things. Then we amp up and put those new strings right to work in a special performance with our guest. We hope you’ll join us for our next episode!
On this second episode of Strings and Things, the eclectic guitarist and singer/songwriter Ann Klein re-strings her Telecaster, while our host Patrick Grant works on his surf green Jaguar.
As the old guitar strings get replaced, Ann runs down the pros and cons of performing for live theatre, and describes a couple of hairy moments onstage. We’ll hear about her dog’s hidden talents, and then plug in the Vox amps for a live rendition of her song “Chocolate Pie”.
Photo by Sandrine Lee
Ann plays guitar, mandolin, dobro and lap steel. As a composer/songwriter, she’s toured in Europe and the US and composed music for documentary films, non-profit organizations, and television shows. As a guitarist, she’s worked with artists such as Ani DiFranco, Kate Pierson (of the B-52s), Joan Osborne, PM Dawn, Jon King (of the Gang of Four), the American Composers Orchestra, and many others. Ann was the lead guitarist for an all female band sent to Saudi Arabia as cultural diplomats by the U.S. State Department in 2013. She has performed on Broadway in Grease, 9 to 5, Everyday Rapture, Baby It’s You, and Kinky Boots.
Ann’s latest release is Tumbleweed Symphony. To find out more about her and hear tracks from all her albums, visit her webpage at
Next on the Strings and Things podcast, guitar dynamo Ann Klein works around the b-bender on her Telecaster and talks about life in the broadway trenches.
This is Strings and Things, the show where musicians come by to change their strings and talk about about all kinds of things. Then we amp up and put those new strings right to work in a special performance with our guest. We hope you’ll join us!
On the premiere episode of Strings and Things, composer/guitarist Tony Geballe stops by to change the strings on his custom-built Nelson Fidelis TG1 electric guitar, while our host Patrick Grant re-strings his Rickenbacker 330. Tony tells us about his first guitar hero, and how he started playing in a Progressive Darkwave band. Then the Vox amps come out and they perform an excerpt from Tony’s score for a stage version of Faust.
Tony Geballe (a Seattle native living in New York City) has studied, taught and performed music of many kinds all over the world. His main instrument is guitar, including nylon-string, steel-string, 12-string and electric. Tony also works as a composer and sound designer for theater, and a producer and engineer for various recording projects.
At some point every guitarist has to do it, so why not hang out with some friends and have fun while you’re at it? This is Strings and Things, the show where musicians come by to change their strings, talk about all kinds of things and make some music. We hope you’ll join us for the new Strings and Things podcast, a Peppergreen Production for Headstepper Media. Check out our trailer below!